
Duplicate Skill

Duplicating a skill in Skill Studio allows you to create a working copy that can be edited or tested independently, without affecting the original active skill.

Steps to Duplicate a Skill:

  1. Navigate to the skill selection panel.
  2. Open the desired skill.
  3. Select the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to the skill name.
  4. Choose Duplicate.
  5. The duplicated skill will automatically be named "Copy", followed by the date and time of duplication.
  6. You can toggle off and on the skill as you see fit to make and test changes.

Adjusting Duplicated Skills

Once a skill is duplicated, you can make any necessary adjustments. However, ensure the skill's name remains unique by either:

  • Renaming the skill completely, or
  • Preserving the "copy + date/time" that was automatically added to the name.

Using the same name as any other skill within the assistant will result in an error:


Failed to update field: name

Invalid skill name. Skills must have a unique name inside a assistant.

When to Use Duplicated Skills

Duplicating a skill is particularly helpful in the following scenarios:

  • Testing different configurations: You can experiment with changes like adjusting descriptions or toggling between different versions to identify the most effective setup.
  • Creating a new skill: Duplication can serve as a starting point for building new skills by leveraging existing configurations.